Your Finances, Our Expertise, Seamless Success

Welcome to BK Tax Consultancy, where precision meets prosperity. With a commitment to excellence, our dedicated team navigates the complexities of your finances, ensuring seamless success in every venture. Your financial journey, our expertise—let’s craft a path to prosperity together

A Firm That Helps Grow Your Business

Nestled in Toronto, Canada, BK Taxes cater to clients across Canada and the USA, delivering tailored solutions irrespective of size or industry.

Experience You Can Depend on!

Our team of seasoned tax lawyers and accountants are committed to addressing your concerns and providing expert opinions on the likelihood of favorable outcomes. With a wealth of experience serving a diverse clientele, our comprehensive skillset ensures effective handling of your tax matters.

Our Services

Personal Tax Services

Confidently manage personal taxes with precision and ease through our expert guidance.

Corporate Tax Services

Optimize business taxes with our expert corporate tax strategies and financial insights.

Accounting and Bookkeeping

Streamline finances with comprehensive accounting and bookkeeping solutions tailored to your business.

Specialized Tax Programs

Unlock benefits through tailored tax programs designed to fit your unique circumstances.

International Tax Services

Navigate global tax landscapes seamlessly with our expert international tax consultation services.

Business Setup

Ensure peace of mind by staying compliant with our dedicated government compliance services.

Strategic Tax Planning

Strategize for success with personalized tax plans designed for your unique financial goals.

Business Loans

Fuel business growth with flexible financial solutions through our specialized business loan services.

Web Development

Enhance your online presence with tailored web development for a professional image


Efficient payroll management to ensure accurate and timely compensation

Audit Assistance

Navigate audits confidently with our expert assistance for thorough and compliant processes.

Our Story

With over 10 years of experience, we have been providing efficient & high quality financial & business services to our clients across North America. Located in Toronto, Canada, our firm prides itself in its attention to detail and customer service leaving leave our clients satisfied.

A One-Shop Stop

Our Firm provides all the services your business needs

What Our Clients Say

Working with BK Taxes has been a game-changer for our business. Their strategic accounting services have not only saved us money but time and also a provided peace of mind knowing they got us covered.
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Abdul Mannan
Business Owner
Doing taxes & developing professional website was a strategic move which put us on the map. Their detail oriented & user friendly websites reflects my brand and tax season has never been this effortless
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Adrees Malik
This firm values not only your time but also efficiently conducts their business. They kept us informed when doing my businesse's taxes and bookeeping enabling us to improve our bookkeeping methods.
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Contact Us

Call Us

+1 (647) 720 2497
+1 (647) 570-8210


45 Overlea Blvd, Toronto, ON
M4H 1C3


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